Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Art of Work

Work brings man to life, sets him in motion.

Work is man in action doing things. Nothing happens until people go to work. Work creates the world we live in.

The right attitude toward work multiplies achievement.

The art of work consists of what you think about your work, how you feel about your work, and what you do about your work.

It is abolishing the concept of work as chains and slavery, and seeing it as freedom to create and build and help.

It is striving to find work you love, a job to which you can harness your heart.

It is idealizing your work, turning a job into a mission, a task into a career.

It is doing your present work so well that it will open doors to new opportunities. Tasks done at a high standard pave the way to bigger things.

It is glorifying your work, putting a halo around your job.

It is saying with the poet Henry Van Dyke: "This is my work, my blessing, not my doom."

It is discovering the great healing power of work... If you are! If you are worried or fearful work! If you are discouraged or! Work is the key to happiness.

It is making your work you. It is putting the stamp of your unique personality on the work you do. It is pouring your spirit into your task. It is making your work a reflection of your faith, your integrity, and your ideals.

It is recognizing that work that you can express yourself and make a contribution to human progress.
James W.Elliott said it all nine words; "Work is life and good work is good life."

Written by Wilfred Peterson in 1960.