Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Art of Thinking

The art of thinking is the greatest art of all. The thinker knows he is today where his thoughts have taken him and that he is building his future by the quality of the thoughts he thinks.

He sets no limitations on the power of thought; he recognizes that big thinking precedes big achievement.

He creates mental pictures of his goals, then works to make those pictures become realities.

He knows that everything starts with an idea and that the creative power of thought is the greatest power in the universe.

He sees with the”single eye” of intense concentration, seeking facts just as a powerful searchlight penetrates the darkness.

He keeps an open mind observing, analyzing, considering, questioning-looking for the hidden key which will unlock the problem.

He thinks his mind as a factory and gives it the raw material, the facts and data, from which ideas are fashioned.

He used the magic power of his subconscious mind, commanding it to come up with ideas while he sleeps: he knows that though, like a tree, grow night and day.

He studies the laws of cause and effect and strives to work in harmony with them.

He approaches problems both intuitively and logically; he uses the light of his imagination to create and his critical mind to judge.

He avoids the one-track mind and sends his mind forth in all directions to expand the range of his mental horizons.

He strives to develop a mature mind without losing the simplicity of childhood.

He creates ideas with humility knowing that behind the idea that he calls his own are the thoughts and efforts of many men.

He exercises his God-given power to choose his own destiny and he tries to decide wisely and well.

Written by (Wilfred Peterson) in 1960.