Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Art of Becoming Rich

The art of becoming rich is simply to live richly in body, mind heart and spirit.

You become physically rich when you have rich sensations: When your senses are alert and attuned to life so that the very fact of being alive takes on new dimensions and simple experiences have new meaning….the smell of a rose, the stretch of a muscle, the sight of a mountain, the sound of the surf, the taste of strawberries, the touch of clean white sheets….

You become mentally rich when you think rich thoughts: When you immerse your mind in the noble thoughts of men, preserved through the ages in books; when you are curious to learn all you can about the world and its people, the earth beneath your feet and the farthest star in infinite space; when you develop an appreciation of beauty in painting and sculpture, poetry and music; when you expand your mind to encompass great ideas; when you use the magic of your mind to create and to serve….

You become emotionally rich when you have rich feelings: When you know the radiant glow of obeying noble impulses to give and help and inspire; when you experience the bond of warm friendship and deep affection; when you know the joy of hearing a baby laugh ,when you are aware of giving and receiving love….

The best definition of a rich man is a man with a rich self. What a man is, not what he has, is the measure of real wealth.

Written by (Wilfred Peterson) in 1960.