Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Art of Laughter

Meet the challenge of life with the art of laughter….

Learn laughter from the little children by thinking their thoughts, dreaming their dreams and playing their games.

Develop a playful attitude toward problems; toss them around; handle them with a light touch.

Consider the power of laughter to prick the balloons of pretense and to deflate stuffed shirts.

Inject laughter into tense situations to save the day; laughter calms tempers and soothes jangled nerves.

Use laughter to set healing vibrations into motion- to fill a room with the sunshine of good cheer.

Guard yourself against the gloomy outlook . Tell the funny side of your difficulties; impersonal contemplation is the secret of laughter and perspective.

Most of all, learn to laugh at yourself; meet each day with a sense of humour.

Laughter is the best medicine for a long and happy life. He who laughs ….lasts!

Written by (Wilfred Peterson) in 1960.