Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Art of Courtesy

The art of courtesy is the practice of the Golden Rule in little things.

It is being courteous even to those who are discourteous.

It is striving to avoid a reaction of irrational in spite of the most severe provocation.

It is remembering that “ a soft answer turned away wrath.”

It is coming forward to meet others with warmth, graciousness and a hospitable spirit.

It is using shock-absorber words to smooth the jars and jolts of daily living; words that express kindness, consideration and gratitude.

It is wisdom to know that we should love before we think and think before we act.

It is putting people at ease, helping them to relax.

It is recognizing the worth of the individual, protecting his dignity, inspiring him to think well of himself.

It is the sympathetic ear and the understanding heart.

It is going the second mile to make things pleasant for others.

It is appreciation what others do for us and letting them know it.

It is big enough to take the blame for our mistakes and being quick to ask forgiveness for our blunders.

It is recognizing the universal power of a smile: for a sincere smile is courtesy in every language and puts a glow in the heart everywhere on earth.

It is emphasizing the gentle in gentleman.

It is endeavoring to live with some nobility that we may prove that the age of chivalry isn’t dead.

It is keeping constantly in mind the words of Emerson: “Life is not so short but that here is always time enough for courtesy.”

Written by Wilfred Peterson in 1960.