Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Art of Changing Yourself

Life is constantly pounding you from the outside with millions of hammer blows, but you have the last word as to how those blows will change you.

Man alone, of all creatures of earth, can change his own pattern. Man alone is architect of his destiny.

William James declared that the greatest revolution in his generation was the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.

You cannot climb uphill by thinking downhill thoughts. If your world is gloomy and hopeless, it is because you are gloomy and hopeless. You must change your mind to change your world.

Change demands self-discipline. Command yourself and make yourself do what needs to be done.

Changes requires the substituting of new habits for old. You mould your character and your future by your thoughts and acts.

Change can be advanced by associating with men and women with whom you can walk among the stars. Meet, mingle and make friends with those who have upward urge.

Change can be achieved by changing your environment. Let go of lower things and reach for higher. Surround yourself with the best in books, music and art. Listen to the greatest speakers. Hang on the wall of your home portraits of the men you most admire.

Change can be realized through conscious evolution. Moment by moment, day by day, concentrate on becoming the man you want to be.

Written by (Wilfred Peterson) in 1960.