Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Art of Tolerance

He who would practice the art of tolerance must guard well against an attitude of superiority, smugness, indifference and coldness. These qualities are tolerance turned wrong side out!

Tolerance is warm. It reaches out the hand of friendship in spite of all differences.

Tolerance is understanding. It is open to new light. He who is tolerant is always eager to explore viewpoints other than his own.

Tolerance is deep. It creates a foundation of faith in humanity underneath disagreements, thus preventing prejudice and resentment. It may reject the argument, but it always respects the man.

Tolerance radiates good will. It disagrees agreeably. It unites men in spirit even though they are a thousand miles apart in their convictions.

Tolerance practices fair play. It does not force one man’s views on another. The tolerant man makes up his own mind and extends to others the same freedom.

Tolerance refuses to hate. Tolerance is sympathetic. It looks through mental barriers into the human heart.

Tolerance does not look down on others, it looks up to them. Tolerance towers differences. It is bigger than race, colour, creed, or politics.

Written by (Wilfred Peterson) in 1960.