Tuesday, May 1, 2007



Mangoes at my backyard.

It's one of local species of this country.

I think it is the same as "Ta Su Myeit" of our country.

Big seed and small flesh.

But I love it anyway. Because I eat it with "Nga-Pi-Yay" and "Ngan-Pyar-Yay" (fish gravy).

Common Name: mango , Mangot, Manga, Mangou

Botanical Name: Mangifera indica L.

Related species: Bindjai (Mangifera caesia), Horse Mango (M. foetida), Kuweni mango (M. odorata).

Origin: The mango is native to southern Asia, especially our country “Myanmar” ( Burma ) and eastern India. It spread early on to Malaya, eastern Asia and eastern Africa. Mangos were introduced to California (Santa Barbara) in 1880.

Mangos basically require a frost-free climate. Flowers and small fruit can be killed if temperatures drop below 40° F, even for a short period. Young trees may be seriously damaged if the temperature drops below 30° F, but mature trees may withstand very short periods of temperatures as low as 25° F. The mango must have warm, dry weather to set fruit.