There was Harvest Festival Celebration at my Uni this afternoon.
The traditional food was provided .
We were in our own traditional dress.
My Uni is a unity of different cultures.
We are proud of it.
This is the end of Harvest Festival month and so we enjoyed it.
The traditional food of this country is quite similar to our Myanmar traditional food, especially snack.
Sticky rice in bamboo (Kauk-Hnyin-Kyi-Tout) and fried snacks ( Mote Si Kyaw ) are the same.
Alcohol , which is produced from Rice was provided . I think , it looks like "Khaung-Yay" of Chin or Kachin in Myanmar.
I never taste alcohol for my religion. So I didn't taste it .
But I enjoyed some snacks.
Here are some pictures of Festival . Come and taste the food !