Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Art of Peace

World-wide peace and peace in our little worlds of home, family, office, industry, community…..depend upon each one of us putting into action the art of peace.

Peace is putting the power of good will to work.

It is sanity maturity and common sense in human relationships.

It is open-mindedness. It is a willingness to listen as well as to speak. It is looking at both sides of a situation objectively.

It is patience. It means keeping our tempers and rising above petty irritations. It is counting to ten and avoiding hasty and impulsive decisions.

It is having the courage and humility to admit mistakes and to take the blame when we are wrong.

It is tact. Tact has been defined as the ability to pull the stinger of a bee without getting stung.

It is vision. It is taking the long look. It is being willing to give up individual advantages for the common good.

It is straight thinking. It is recognizing that iron curtain are not metal, but mental, and that they are woven of fear, prejudice and mistrust.

It is a quality of the heart as well as the head. It is a warmth, an enthusiasm, a magnetism that reaches out and draws people together in understanding and love.

Written by (Wilfred Peterson) in 1960.